Articles on: Dashboard FAQ

How do I enter booking settings?

This is a guide how to enter booking settings on the Airwallet dashboard

How to enter:

Go to your dashboard at:
Go to My locations

Go to My locations

Choose a specific location
Click on three dots icon

Click on three dots icon

Choose Booking settings

Click on booking settings

Booking settings overview: Explained

Booking future limit (How many days into the future bookings can be made)
Specific type settings (Choosing to which specific machines the booking setting applies - washer, dryer, or other)
Enable booking / disable booking for a location
Booking duration (How long is the period the user is able to book a machine for)
Active booking limit (Number of active bookings the user can have across all washers/dryers/machines)
Machine is blocked before booking (The machine is blocked before a booking to ensure its availability. If not changed, other users are notified not to start the machine for 15 mins. before the limit)
Machine is available again after unused booking (If the machine is not started, it will become available again after this time)

Updated on: 28/04/2024

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